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Build your child’s money skills while you read

It's important to you to get the most out of reading time with your child. Money as You Grow Bookshelf lets you build on the time you may already spend reading together, and helps you bring money topics to life through storytime.

Get started

  1. Browse through the list of books and choose one you'd like to read with your child, for ages 4 to 10. The books should be readily available at your library or bookstore.
  2. Download the reading guide, which helps you explain the key ideas covered in the book and gives you questions to ask during reading time and activities for afterwards.
  3. Have fun reading together. Hold the book so everyone can see it and ask questions as you go. See 9 ideas to keep reading fun .
Money as You Grow reading guides next to coffee mug

Visit the Money Monsters story page to learn more about the ideas, habits, and activities that they'll need as they grow up and start to manage their own money. Get started with our how-to guide and order free resources from GPO .

Want to bring the book club to your library? Get started with our how-to guide and order free resources from GPO .

Reading guides

Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday

by Judith Viorst

Find out what Alexander learns about self-control after he overspends.

Key ideas: Prioritizing, Saving

Age: 4+

A Bargain for Frances

by Russell Hoban

See how Frances had to work on prioritizing when she bought a tea set.

Key ideas: Setting goals, Staying true to yourself

Age: 6+

The Berenstain Bears & Mama’s New Job

by Stan and Jan Berenstain

See how Mama’s hobby became a way of earning money for the family.

Key ideas: Setting goals, Staying true to yourself

Age: 4+

The Berenstain Bears’ Trouble with Money

by Stan and Jan Berenstain

Check out ways the Bear family helped the cubs with saving their money.

Key ideas: Making decisions, Spending

Age: 4+

But I've Used All of My Pocket Change

by Lauren Child

See what happens after Lola makes some spending choices that she regrets.

Key ideas: Making decisions, Spending

Age: 4 - 8

A Chair for My Mother

by Verna Williams

Check out how the family follows through after they save enough for a new chair.

Key ideas: Setting goals, Earning

Age: 6+

Count on Pablo (Cuenta Con Pablo)

by Barbara deRubertis

Find out how Pablo practices flexibility at the vegetable market.

Key ideas: Solving problems, Earning

Age: 5 - 7

Curious George Saves His Pennies

by Margret and H.A. Rey

See how a savings bank helps George practice sharing and borrowing.

Key ideas: Making decisions, Sharing and borrowing

Age: 4 - 7

How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?

by Bob Merrill

Share in the feelings that come with doing things to help other people.

Key ideas: Prioritizing, Spending

Age: 3+

Jingle Dancer

by Cynthia Leitich Smith

See the ways Jenna takes small steps to reach her goal.

Key ideas: Solving problems, Sharing and borrowing

Age: 4+

Just Shopping with Mom

by Mercer Mayer

Check out the way the children help Mom with spending at the store.

Key ideas: Prioritizing, Spending

Age: 4+

Lemonade in Winter

by Emily Jenkins

Spot the ways Pauline and John-John exercise flexibility at their lemonade stand.

Key ideas: Solving problems, Spending

Age: 3 - 7

My Rows and Piles of Coins

by Tololwa M. Mollel

Sympathize with Sarumi as he uses self-control to resist salespeople at the market.

Key ideas: Setting goals, Saving

Age: 4 - 7

Ox-Cart Man

by Donald Hall

Understand how the farm family set goals to make and grow things to use and eat.

Key ideas: Earning, Setting goals

Age: 4+

The Purse

by Kathy Caple

Find out how Katie felt when she set a goal of buying a new purse.

Key ideas: Solving problems, Setting goals

Age: 4+

The Rag Coat

by Lauren Mills

See how Minna stayed true to herself when her classmates talked about her coat.

Key ideas: Solving problems, Sharing and borrowing

Age: 6 - 9

Sally Jean, the Bicycle Queen

by Cari Best

See how Sally Jean uses patience and creativity to get what she really wants.

Key ideas: Solving problems, Earning

Age: 4 - 8

Sam and the Lucky Money

by Karen Chinn

Find out how small amounts make a big difference during Sam’s trip to Chinatown.

Key ideas: Prioritizing, Sharing and borrowing

Age: 4 - 8

Sheep in a Shop

by Nancy Shaw

Find out how the sheep solved the problem of not having enough money.

Key ideas: Making decisions, Solving problems

Age: 4+

Those Shoes

by Maribeth Boelts

See what happens when Jeremy prioritizes buying a pair of black high tops.

Key ideas: Prioritizing, Sharing and borrowing

Age: 5 - 8

Tia Isa Wants a Car (Tía Isa Quiere Un Carro)

by Meg Medina

Check out how Tia Isa keeps track of her savings for the car she wants.

Key ideas: Solving problems, Saving

Age: 4 - 8